We Accept World Wide Popuplar Payments : Paypal, Skrill, Neteller, WebMoney, PerfectMoney, Payza, PayOneer, PayEER, WEX Code, MoneyPolo, CoinPayment (BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH, ETC, ,DASH, DOGE,XRP, USDT

Always within 24-48hs to Deliver. On Going Products will take Longer than

Yes, we always applied lastest sercurity tech to our site Like SSL, RSA256 to protect your data.We do not store any payment infomation from you. So all your Data is safe.

Check Your Order ID -> Check Your Item U Ordered -> Check Your Payment Paid -> Confirm -> Deliver.

Yes, Sure. Each Purchased will be automated generation Invoice by our systems

We will deliver to your emails and at your Account at our sites

RM.Step 6

After 90 Days, If you not get delivered, Your order will be convert to our store credit to buy anything esle.

You will also get refund or exchange to other product/similar product as you like.

How to Order

(If you already have Account, Just Login, no ned fill infomation again)

RM Step3

  • Credit Card : Sorry We not Accept Card Directly, Please Use Other Method.
  • : Automation payment with BTC, LTC, BCH, DASH, DOGE, ETH,ETC, USDT, XRP
  • Paypal : contact us by Email or Messenger then do as instructions.
  • Skrill : Manual Payment as instructions.
  • Netteller : Manual Payment as instructions.
  • WebMoney (WMZ) : Manual Payment as instructions.
  • PerfectMoney : Manual Payment as instructions.
  • PayEER : Manual Payment as instructions.
  • AdvCash : Manual Payment as instructions.
  • PayOneer : Manual Payment as instructions.
  • MoneyPolo : Manual Payment as instructions.
  • Wex Code : Manual Payment as instructions.

(Because some problems, all our payments need to process manual and check by our hands)

RM Step4

(Your HotFileIndex account will be created and send to your email – if you no have account)

RM Step5

We will check and Process your payment within 24hs and Deliver to your HotFileIndex Account.

Note 1 : Your Orders will have status : Processing/Completed. Dont care it, no need resubmit again, we will check within 24hs.

Note 2 : if you not make payment or dont know how to make payment, Your Order will have status : Pending/Canceled. You can go to My Account -> Orders ->  to pay them. Or You can contact us by Email or Messenger  to make manual payment and process your order.

Check Our FAQ Page to Know More.
